Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mediterranean Tuna Antipasto Salad...Yummy!

The heat from these North Carolina summer days can really take it's tole on your energy levels by the time you get home from work! The last thing I wanted to do when I got home was stand over a stove. This recipe for Mediterranean Tuna Antipasto Salad. I found at caught my attention a few days ago and I decided today was the day to try it. So glad I did! This is SUCH a delicious salad...So many bold flavors and not fishy at all. (don't get me wrong, I love fish, but canned tuna never really wets my can be sooo..fishy.) Combined with the beans it's packed with protein so it's really filling. The herbs, capers and lemon juice lend tons of flavor without adding fat and calories.

This will be on the rotation for sure!

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Take on Leftover Steak.

Since you really can't reheat leftover steak since it will just continue to cook it and it will be come tough and chewy and not anything you would like to eat...

I sliced mine into thin strips and put it over a bed of romaine, ribbons of carrot and cucumber (made by a veggie peeler) green bell pepper and fresh cilantro. Top with any bottled asian style dressing and seseme seeds and ta-da! Delicious steak salad for lunch that takes all of 5 minutes!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Guilty as Charged

Ok, I have to give Belle props for this whole concept but I just can't get enough. We did her pets on Saturday and I just had to do one for Lou, our German Shorthaired Pointer...Otherwise known as

Lou Puppy

From cell phones to shoes, As many things as she's chewed up, I'm surprised she just now has a proper mugshot. She's worth it though! :o)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Quick Lunch

I had a good amount of leftover orzo from a meal I made two days ago, as well as a grilled chicken breast from last night. I sliced the chicken, stirred in about 1 1/2 tablespoons of store bought pesto (from the refrigerated section) diced a ripe tomato and added cracked black pepper (I am a cracked pepper FIEND)

The trick is, when you're making dinner, go ahead and make the entire box of pasta. What you don't use, just refrigerate. I have a family of 2, but chicken breasts always come in packs of 3. No sense in leaving the third one uncooked... the likely hood of me actually reaching for a lone, uncooked chicken breast later on and doing something with it is very slim. Then, when you're in a hurry...especially during the work week, a delicious lunch comes together in about 5 minutes...if that.

Check out Quick Fix Meals with Robin Miller on the Food Network sometime, her entire philosophy is based on this concept of carrying ingredients over from one meal to the next. Thanks for the idea, Robin!

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Case of the Mondays

For me, Monday calls for an easy dinner, something not too laborious since I usually have a case of the Mondays. I also crave something a bit lighter since I most likely over indulged Friday night through Sunday. I know this weekend I did!

On the menu tonight:

Cedar Planked Salmon
Steamed Broccoli
Cous Cous
Orange Blueberry Spritzer

This was my very first time grilling with a plank. Over all it was pretty simple, and it really does infuse the fish with a great flavor! I opted for a non-alcoholic beverage and kept it simple by just adding a couple of naval orange slices and smashed blueberries to sparkling water. So refreshing!


they're almost done!

dinner is ready

Sunday, June 28, 2009

La Cornue .... La Amour!

The Williams-Sonoma at Southpoint in Durham, NC has one of these beauties by the French company La Cornue in their window... a deep burgundy, double version that is twice this size, with glowing brass hardware. It was love at first sight. I have never been so in awe at the craftsmanship and sheer beauty of an oven! As a lover of interior design, to me this would be the shining star of any kitchen. As as a lover of cooking, I don't think I'd mind using it either ;o)

Upon reading about La Cornue and their ranges, I was amazed to find out that each one is meticulously crafted by hand by one individual. WOW. I think if I ever see the day I own one of these... (they range anywhere from $8500-$40,000) whenever moved I would take it with me to my next house, and the next...and the next. We would never part. They are available in a variety of gorgeous enamel finishes. How on earth could you decide on a color?

Welcome to the World, Baby Liam!

I just had to post a few pictures of my new nephew! I can't believe I'm an aunt! I feel so old! But I don't even care because he is SUCH a precious little thing. Ashley (Aaron's sister, and the new mom) had him early Friday morning in Virginia. Her husband Barry serves in the Navy and was able to come home early from deployment to see the birth of his baby boy. We headed up for the afternoon to spend a few hours with Liam Joshua.