Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Quick Lunch

I had a good amount of leftover orzo from a meal I made two days ago, as well as a grilled chicken breast from last night. I sliced the chicken, stirred in about 1 1/2 tablespoons of store bought pesto (from the refrigerated section) diced a ripe tomato and added cracked black pepper (I am a cracked pepper FIEND)

The trick is, when you're making dinner, go ahead and make the entire box of pasta. What you don't use, just refrigerate. I have a family of 2, but chicken breasts always come in packs of 3. No sense in leaving the third one uncooked... the likely hood of me actually reaching for a lone, uncooked chicken breast later on and doing something with it is very slim. Then, when you're in a hurry...especially during the work week, a delicious lunch comes together in about 5 minutes...if that.

Check out Quick Fix Meals with Robin Miller on the Food Network sometime, her entire philosophy is based on this concept of carrying ingredients over from one meal to the next. Thanks for the idea, Robin!

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